
Build your Hugo website

1. Requirements

  1. install git
  2. install hugo

2. Get started

I would suggest look over official documentations for basic installation and configuration. If you cannot solve problem by then, check out blog posts that might be helpful.




Common Issues
  • If your page under development mode crashed, be patient and maybe reload the server in terminal with Ctrl-C and hugo server -D
  • Be careful about syntax, format, especially with multilingual setting.
  • If you’re not sure the organization, always refer to the themes/xxx(LoveIt)/exampleSite folder first that’s contained in every Hugo repo after you clone it.
  • When you want to add the featured image for the content preview in the home page, do:
    - name: "featured-image"
      src: "featured-image.png" 

    and name your md file to be Don’t forget to add the <!--more--> divider if you want to tell Hugo only summarizes the content before divider in preview.

3. Publish your page

Publishing the page is a bit of hassle for me. My sincere suggestion after this experience is to find a tutorial and closely follow the steps. Even if you don’t like the theme or the tutorial style, it’s always easier to build up your understanding first and level up/optimize from there.

I used GitHub to host my website and here is a list of docs/blogs that I referred to:

4. Other details


To set up utterances comment section, I updated both config.toml and installed utterances app to repo. There are other alternatives like Disqus and Valine.

gdocs shortcodes

Thanks to Ashish Tiwari’s shortcodes post and wowchemy-hugo-modules, I’m able to incorporate the gdocs shortcodes functionality. In particular, be aware in your shortcodes

{{<gdocs src="???">}}

, the src url should be the one published to web (in your google slides, go to File and then Publish to the web, select either link or embed and copy the url in src="???"), not the shared url. I corrected this once I found only my laptop web can show gdocs (also the display is not very satisfactory) while ipad and iphone can’t. Specifial thanks to Cecina Babich Morrow’s post.